Citace podle APA (7th ed.)

Mann, K., & Frisch,ShelleyL. (2014). The turning point: Thirty-five years in this century ; the autobiography / of Klaus Mann. With a new introduction by Shelley L. Frisch (3. Auflage.). Wiener.

Citace podle Chicago (17th ed.)

Mann, Klaus, a Frisch,ShelleyL. The Turning Point: Thirty-five Years in This Century ; the Autobiography / of Klaus Mann. With a New Introduction by Shelley L. Frisch. 3. Auflage. Princeton, NY: Wiener, 2014.

Citace podle MLA (8th ed.)

Mann, Klaus, a Frisch,ShelleyL. The Turning Point: Thirty-five Years in This Century ; the Autobiography / of Klaus Mann. With a New Introduction by Shelley L. Frisch. 3. Auflage. Wiener, 2014.

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